1 00:00:04,819 --> 00:00:09,010 Hello, I'm Bert Enserink and I'm your teacher in this part of the course. 2 00:00:09,010 --> 00:00:14,269 Now that we have made a list of the actors potentially involved - after we have made 3 00:00:14,269 --> 00:00:19,590 a pre-selection of the actors which we think are most important to take along and after 4 00:00:19,590 --> 00:00:24,220 mapping their formal relations- we are now going to look for more in-depth information 5 00:00:24,220 --> 00:00:26,609 about the selected actors. 6 00:00:26,609 --> 00:00:31,630 Before we can start looking for them we first have to define what we mean by objectives 7 00:00:31,630 --> 00:00:33,140 and interests; 8 00:00:33,140 --> 00:00:38,460 Well, objectives are the goals that an actor wants to achieve in a concrete situation; 9 00:00:38,460 --> 00:00:43,800 for instance Greenpeace wants to prevent that an old oil rig is dumped in the deep sea. 10 00:00:43,800 --> 00:00:49,940 Interests are considered to be fundamental objectives; it is the reason why actors want 11 00:00:49,940 --> 00:00:53,510 to achieve a specific goal; it is the reason why they care. 12 00:00:53,510 --> 00:00:59,260 For instance Greenpeace wants to prevent dumping old oil rigs because they say people are responsible 13 00:00:59,260 --> 00:01:05,179 for caring for the environment and therefore we should protect marine eco-systems. 14 00:01:05,179 --> 00:01:09,920 Interest are deeply embedded in our personal values and they are relatively stable over 15 00:01:09,920 --> 00:01:16,360 time; we can easily change our objectives but we don't easily betray our interest. 16 00:01:16,360 --> 00:01:21,200 And thirdly I want you to remember what we mean by 'perception'. 17 00:01:21,200 --> 00:01:24,759 Perception is the way we look at the world; our worldview. 18 00:01:24,759 --> 00:01:31,590 It is largely based on selective information and our social background and influenced by 19 00:01:31,590 --> 00:01:34,290 peer pressure. 20 00:01:34,290 --> 00:01:40,579 Remember in Step 2 we made a first provisional inventory of actors; in this step we will 21 00:01:40,579 --> 00:01:44,890 elaborate and do in depth research after the interests, 22 00:01:44,890 --> 00:01:46,909 objectives and means. 23 00:01:46,909 --> 00:01:52,399 After mapping the formal relations we have learned more about them and at this stage 24 00:01:52,399 --> 00:01:56,610 we need to be sure we have sufficient and reliable data. 25 00:01:56,610 --> 00:02:02,310 So there is a need to do some additional research; policy documents; annual reports, 26 00:02:02,310 --> 00:02:07,009 consulting experts in the field; maybe interviewing spokespersons in order to fill out the information 27 00:02:07,009 --> 00:02:09,530 card on each actor in more detail. 28 00:02:09,530 --> 00:02:15,389 Let us start with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (I&E) and its Directorate 29 00:02:15,389 --> 00:02:17,970 Space & Water. 30 00:02:17,970 --> 00:02:24,000 Typically the interest or fundamental objective of I&E Space and Water is a Safe, 31 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:27,070 efficient and profitable use of the North Sea, 32 00:02:27,070 --> 00:02:30,820 while the concrete objective is creating Space for offshore wind, 33 00:02:30,820 --> 00:02:33,389 without impeding other uses. 34 00:02:33,389 --> 00:02:40,389 The problem of cleft they perceive is that talk is only about search areas which has 35 00:02:40,639 --> 00:02:45,470 to do with the intensive use of the North Sea especially in the near shore area. 36 00:02:45,470 --> 00:02:51,919 I&Es preferred solution is to have its Minister indicate more search areas. 37 00:02:51,919 --> 00:02:56,560 The same exercise we can do for the other actors, 38 00:02:56,560 --> 00:03:00,199 like the Ministries other directorate: the directorate environment. 39 00:03:00,199 --> 00:03:04,650 Environment, although part of the same Ministry holds other interests. 40 00:03:04,650 --> 00:03:11,290 They want to reduce pollution and are concerned about CO2 emissions; their objective is 20% 41 00:03:11,290 --> 00:03:13,639 renewables, preferably at sea. 42 00:03:13,639 --> 00:03:20,800 So you can see that their filled out fact sheet differs from the directorate of space and water. 43 00:03:21,290 --> 00:03:26,470 We can now do this for all other actors such as for instance the energy companies and fill 44 00:03:26,470 --> 00:03:33,169 out their interests like producing energy and their objectives in the same way. 45 00:03:33,169 --> 00:03:38,530 As a final step in making this inventory you might make an overview table where you can 46 00:03:38,530 --> 00:03:42,380 see in one glance all the actors, their interests, objectives, 47 00:03:42,380 --> 00:03:46,900 the problem as they perceive it, its causes, the preferred solutions and their means. 48 00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:49,230 All in one big table.