1 00:00:08,700 --> 00:00:16,700 Hello, this video will discuss convergence, technical convergence to be more precise. 2 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:23,260 Technical convergence is described as "the tendency for different technological systems 3 00:00:23,260 --> 00:00:27,490 to evolve toward performing similar tasks." 4 00:00:27,490 --> 00:00:31,590 For example, in the past we used to have a stopwatch and 5 00:00:31,590 --> 00:00:35,070 a voice recorder, and now these features, 6 00:00:35,070 --> 00:00:39,810 along with many others, come together into the neat package of a smartphone. 7 00:00:39,810 --> 00:00:44,579 For this MOOC, we are primarily interested in convergence 8 00:00:44,579 --> 00:00:47,010 phenomena in infrastructures. 9 00:00:47,010 --> 00:00:52,440 That is infrastructures evolving toward the performance of similar tasks. 10 00:00:52,440 --> 00:00:58,600 When describing convergence in infra-systems the most distinct examples can be identified 11 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:02,559 in the world of information and communications technology. 12 00:01:02,559 --> 00:01:07,740 Once separate infrastructures such as the Public Switched Telephone Network and the 13 00:01:07,740 --> 00:01:10,229 cable networks have merged. 14 00:01:10,229 --> 00:01:14,649 And with them many more: faxes, radio, telegraphy, 15 00:01:14,649 --> 00:01:18,810 and some claim even newspaper and paper magazines. 16 00:01:18,810 --> 00:01:25,810 All different types of communication are increasingly provided through a single infrastructure. 17 00:01:26,840 --> 00:01:33,840 In the early 1980s academics feared that convergence would be accompanied with an increased concentration 18 00:01:33,969 --> 00:01:36,499 of power. 19 00:01:36,499 --> 00:01:42,999 In the twenty-first century it however became clear that the opposite was true. 20 00:01:42,999 --> 00:01:46,789 Convergence has boosted competition and innovation. 21 00:01:46,789 --> 00:01:52,329 Today's world of ICT, media and telecommunications is widely diverse, 22 00:01:52,329 --> 00:01:59,329 partly because multiple services can be offered via competing infrastructures. 23 00:01:59,539 --> 00:02:03,799 The opposite effect of convergence can also be identified: 24 00:02:03,799 --> 00:02:09,890 divergence: dedicated and separate infrastructures. 25 00:02:09,890 --> 00:02:13,890 For example, railway systems have evolved into various 26 00:02:13,890 --> 00:02:18,720 highly specialized modes of transportation. 27 00:02:18,720 --> 00:02:25,110 Whereas in the past the transportation of people and freight often used the same railway 28 00:02:25,110 --> 00:02:30,620 infrastructure, nowadays infrastructures are becoming more specialized. 29 00:02:30,620 --> 00:02:37,590 For instance high-speed railway trains exist which run on dedicated, 30 00:02:37,590 --> 00:02:42,900 specially designed straight tracks, with sophisticated related technology. 31 00:02:43,590 --> 00:02:48,040 The same goes for freight trains, where dedicated tracks have been developed 32 00:02:48,040 --> 00:02:51,450 especially for the transportation of goods. 33 00:02:51,450 --> 00:02:57,820 Furthermore we see the development of 'intermediate' train tracks that have been developed specifically 34 00:02:57,820 --> 00:03:00,810 for urbanized train traffic. 35 00:03:00,810 --> 00:03:09,800 This is also known as the 'light rail' concept, a cross-over between a train and a subway system. 36 00:03:10,700 --> 00:03:17,720 There are a number of issues that almost always come hand in hand with convergence and divergence 37 00:03:17,720 --> 00:03:19,210 in infrastructures. 38 00:03:19,210 --> 00:03:22,250 Five of these I will discuss here shortly: 39 00:03:22,250 --> 00:03:26,930 First of all, convergence and divergence have an effect 40 00:03:26,930 --> 00:03:32,480 on users and companies who are using the services provided though infra-systems. 41 00:03:32,480 --> 00:03:40,900 This often leads to uncertainty and the question which technologies should be purchased and which not. 42 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:47,930 Secondly, convergence or divergence often lead to the inception of new business models. 43 00:03:47,930 --> 00:03:53,150 With convergence or divergence, and the introduction of new technologies, 44 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:56,430 new business opportunities arise. 45 00:03:56,430 --> 00:04:00,990 New technologies, and especially so-called disruptive technologies, 46 00:04:00,990 --> 00:04:07,810 often allow for cheaper or better ways to provide services to customers. 47 00:04:07,810 --> 00:04:13,780 The first entrepreneurs who are able to develop new viable business models therewith generate 48 00:04:13,780 --> 00:04:16,739 enormous first-mover advantages. 49 00:04:16,739 --> 00:04:23,739 An example is the electricity industry where we see a wide range of services emerging, 50 00:04:23,739 --> 00:04:31,770 where the use of smart technology allows for a more user centered and demand-side focus. 51 00:04:32,879 --> 00:04:38,779 These transformations from old to new business models due to convergence or divergence are 52 00:04:38,779 --> 00:04:47,400 however often inhibited by large existing infrastructure companies who may enjoy advantages 53 00:04:47,400 --> 00:04:53,969 such as economies of scale, a large customer base and brand reputation. 54 00:04:53,969 --> 00:05:00,529 These large existing infrastructure companies are often called incumbents. 55 00:05:00,529 --> 00:05:04,960 Third, convergence and divergence are also connected 56 00:05:04,960 --> 00:05:10,090 to processes of liberalization and market evolution. 57 00:05:10,090 --> 00:05:13,860 New markets are created and take over older markets. 58 00:05:13,860 --> 00:05:19,300 Think about the decay of the telegraph system or about the enormous growth of mobile telephone 59 00:05:19,300 --> 00:05:26,300 networks in countries which never had a reliable traditional telephone network. 60 00:05:27,639 --> 00:05:33,349 Often the processes convergence and divergence which lead to market liberalization and market 61 00:05:33,349 --> 00:05:39,309 evolution have to be governed by some form of intervention. 62 00:05:39,309 --> 00:05:46,309 The reason for this is because our infrastructures serve public interests. 63 00:05:46,389 --> 00:05:51,000 Questions that may arise when observing and analyzing convergence and divergence 64 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:56,599 are for example: How can we enable a transition towards the 65 00:05:56,599 --> 00:06:00,249 digitization of our telecommunication sector? 66 00:06:00,249 --> 00:06:06,419 Or how can we improve the sustainability of our electricity system? 67 00:06:06,419 --> 00:06:11,819 Should governments be allowed to subsidize renewable technologies in power production 68 00:06:11,819 --> 00:06:18,759 or is this a form of undesired and market disrupting state aid? 69 00:06:18,759 --> 00:06:27,000 A fourth vital ingredient of convergence are the rules and institutions that emerge during 70 00:06:27,059 --> 00:06:32,000 the convergence process and that stimulate or delay this process. 71 00:06:32,089 --> 00:06:37,729 Of key importance is the creation of technological standards. 72 00:06:37,729 --> 00:06:40,419 Bodies of manufacturers, service providers, 73 00:06:40,419 --> 00:06:47,419 but also government agencies can have a large impact on the convergence process by focusing 74 00:06:47,520 --> 00:06:52,539 on standardization: setting up the rules and standards that allow 75 00:06:52,539 --> 00:06:57,059 for interoperability and interconnectivity of items. 76 00:06:57,059 --> 00:07:00,629 For example, the development of the highly successful mobile 77 00:07:00,629 --> 00:07:04,749 GSM-standard that has been used all over the world, 78 00:07:04,749 --> 00:07:08,430 was in no small measure pushed by the European Union. 79 00:07:08,430 --> 00:07:14,830 In fact, rules and institutions that perform these functions are of crucial importance 80 00:07:14,830 --> 00:07:18,169 in the energy world as well. 81 00:07:18,169 --> 00:07:23,089 Consider for example a new technology such as the electric vehicle. 82 00:07:23,089 --> 00:07:28,650 To allow for a successful large-scale breakthrough of electric vehicles, 83 00:07:28,650 --> 00:07:30,400 standardization is an issue. 84 00:07:30,400 --> 00:07:35,409 If you've ever travelled abroad, you know how problematic the differences between 85 00:07:35,409 --> 00:07:37,770 different electric equipment can be. 86 00:07:37,770 --> 00:07:44,770 It is therefore important to standardize and make electric cars interoperable so that they 87 00:07:44,949 --> 00:07:48,149 can be plugged in any power grid. 88 00:07:48,149 --> 00:07:53,649 To achieve this interoperability, the European Union and the USA 89 00:07:53,649 --> 00:07:59,800 are actually collaborating in a center for smart grids and plug-in vehicles to establish 90 00:07:59,800 --> 00:08:05,800 global standards that may speed up the mass adoption of electric vehicles. 91 00:08:05,800 --> 00:08:11,770 A fifth and final ingredient is the issue of regulation. 92 00:08:11,770 --> 00:08:16,289 As a result of convergence and evolution of infra-systems, 93 00:08:16,289 --> 00:08:20,899 roles and responsibilities and public interests change. 94 00:08:20,899 --> 00:08:23,580 And this is where regulation steps in. 95 00:08:23,580 --> 00:08:27,270 So what role should the regulator have? 96 00:08:27,270 --> 00:08:33,630 Should the regulator stimulate the development of a new cheaper infra-system or protect values 97 00:08:33,630 --> 00:08:36,350 connected to the old technology? 98 00:08:36,350 --> 00:08:42,900 Think for example about the ability to connect to the electric or Public Switched Telephone Network. 99 00:08:43,100 --> 00:08:48,910 In the past when electricity and telephone networks were introduced in society, 100 00:08:48,910 --> 00:08:56,600 the government ensured - or promised - that rural areas would be connected to the gradually expanding grids. 101 00:08:56,880 --> 00:09:00,820 Should this principle remain in place? 102 00:09:00,820 --> 00:09:05,620 In the United States, after hurricane Sandy devastated the Public 103 00:09:05,620 --> 00:09:10,960 Switched Telephone Network, a debate emerged whether old standards should 104 00:09:10,960 --> 00:09:17,960 force telecommunication companies to actually rebuild their old copper-based public-switched 105 00:09:18,020 --> 00:09:24,020 telephone networks to remote communities, or whether they would be allowed to simply 106 00:09:24,020 --> 00:09:28,530 provide state-of-the-art wireless connectivity. 107 00:09:28,530 --> 00:09:30,500 And what about new roles? 108 00:09:30,500 --> 00:09:37,430 For example should regulators in a more competitive environment be especially interested in issues 109 00:09:37,430 --> 00:09:41,720 of customer quality or not? 110 00:09:41,720 --> 00:09:47,660 Another problem with convergence for regulation is the blurring or blending of the regimes 111 00:09:47,660 --> 00:09:51,260 as two infra-systems converge. 112 00:09:51,260 --> 00:09:55,650 For example, the telecommunications industry has been regulated 113 00:09:55,650 --> 00:10:01,660 heavily for a long time, whereas internet-infrastructures have not. 114 00:10:01,660 --> 00:10:06,020 What public values should be regulated and how? 115 00:10:06,020 --> 00:10:11,950 These types of issues become increasingly important if we also consider that also new 116 00:10:11,950 --> 00:10:15,890 types of values enter the realm of regulation. 117 00:10:15,890 --> 00:10:24,100 For example should we regulate privacy in the digitized media world that we have entered and how? 118 00:10:24,430 --> 00:10:31,430 Because of the blurring or blending of regimes it often becomes unclear which rules comply, 119 00:10:31,520 --> 00:10:37,240 which regulator will be in charge and which incentives will apply. 120 00:10:37,240 --> 00:10:42,030 For example, almost everywhere old television industry 121 00:10:42,030 --> 00:10:47,630 had public committees which governed what type of information, 122 00:10:47,630 --> 00:10:52,230 violence and certain advertisements was broadcasted at what times. 123 00:10:52,230 --> 00:10:59,120 Clearly, with the role of internet-broadcasting this authority is changing. 124 00:10:59,120 --> 00:11:05,040 The way in which new infra-systems operate lead to different use of technology and thus 125 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:07,730 changing values. 126 00:11:07,730 --> 00:11:11,620 For example, 'fact checking' used to be a golden standard 127 00:11:11,620 --> 00:11:14,100 with regard to TV-journalism. 128 00:11:14,100 --> 00:11:20,800 Nowadays, You-tube and twitter have thoroughly altered the media-landscape and with them 129 00:11:20,800 --> 00:11:24,440 set new challenges to high-quality journalism. 130 00:11:24,440 --> 00:11:30,610 So, what can we conclude if we observe the infra-system landscape? 131 00:11:30,610 --> 00:11:37,440 Can we identify one universal trend in convergence across infra-systems? 132 00:11:37,440 --> 00:11:44,230 It seems that there are multiple developments unfolding in infrastructures including convergence 133 00:11:44,230 --> 00:11:48,060 as well as divergence phenomena. 134 00:11:48,060 --> 00:11:54,860 One converging trend we observe is that in almost all infra-systems an increase in digitalization 135 00:11:54,860 --> 00:11:56,380 has occurred. 136 00:11:56,380 --> 00:12:00,700 On the other hand, examples of diverging trends are the emergence 137 00:12:00,700 --> 00:12:07,700 of a green gas network to transport 'waste'-gas parallel to existing natural gas grids; new 138 00:12:08,020 --> 00:12:14,260 communal heating systems; or a new type of water infrastructure where rain water is drained 139 00:12:14,260 --> 00:12:21,260 separately from the existing sewage infrastructure to lower water flows that need to be processed 140 00:12:21,600 --> 00:12:25,770 at waste water treatment facilities. 141 00:12:25,770 --> 00:12:33,600 Consumer behavior and new technological developments create a hugely dynamic and unpredictable landscape. 142 00:12:33,700 --> 00:12:36,050 In the electricity industry, for example, 143 00:12:36,050 --> 00:12:41,630 a similar notion of the concept of multi-utilities - just like in the telecommunication industry - 144 00:12:41,630 --> 00:12:44,130 has failed miserably. 145 00:12:44,130 --> 00:12:51,130 Experiments such as internet via the power cable were often not successful. 146 00:12:51,220 --> 00:12:56,530 As a consequence of the forces of convergence and divergence we do however see an important 147 00:12:56,530 --> 00:12:59,870 trend in the evolution of infra-systems. 148 00:12:59,870 --> 00:13:06,600 On the one hand we witness the development of 'prosumer networks' (such as the PV-networks). 149 00:13:06,600 --> 00:13:13,600 On the other hand we identify meta-networks such as fibre optic cable networks and electric 150 00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:20,510 superhighways that allow data and electricity to be transported across infra-systems in 151 00:13:20,510 --> 00:13:24,790 large quantities across large distances. 152 00:13:24,790 --> 00:13:31,790 One thing is certain: convergence and divergence are important concepts that are closely interrelated 153 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:37,410 with the evolution of our infra-systems and will lead to a large number of governance 154 00:13:37,410 --> 00:13:41,230 challenges for a long time to come. 155 00:13:41,230 --> 00:13:42,440 Thank you for your attention.